You are here: Sevices halfway house

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Primary Service: Substance Use Disorders Program

Address : 10945 Moorpark St North , Hollywood, 91602

Primary Service: drug and alcohol dependency

Address : 6 Red Maple Lane, Flanders, 07836

Primary Service: and other Recovery related services

Address : 5000 West National Avenue, Milwaukee, 53295

Primary Service: and other Recovery related services

Address : 201 North Prentice Street, Stevens Point, 54481

Primary Service: and other Recovery related services

Address : 1220 Dewey Avenue, Wauwatosa, 53213

Primary Service: and other Recovery related services

Address : 530 E Conant St, Portage, 53901

Primary Service: and other Recovery related services

Address : 72 South Stonewall Street , Sutton, 26601

Primary Service: drug and alcohol dependency

Address : 57 Garrison Ave, Charleston, 25302

Primary Service: Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Address : 325 North Newstead Street , Saint Louis, 63108

Primary Service:

Address : 4415 Montgall Ave, Kansas City, 64130

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