Why are addiction interventions and halfway houses avoided so frequently when both can be such giant leaps toward recovery?
What does the word “intervention” make you think of? Movies and TV have given us images forever ingrained in our minds of a person suffering from an addiction being taken into a room filled with caring family and friends and the words “we need to talk” being said. Then, after shouting and tears and declarations of “nothing’s wrong,” the person with the addiction reluctantly agrees to take the addiction help being offered. Well, this sit-com image is not a true portrayal of an addiction intervention.
What is a halfway house?
A structured and safe environment providing accountability is essential for recovery. A halfway house can be a successful atmosphere where recovery can begin and addiction can end. Halfway houses, also called sober living homes, are alcohol-free and drug-free environments that provide a beneficial step in recovery from addiction.
What is an intervention?
An intervention can be an effective method to assist someone who is living with an addiction. Family members and friends come together regarding the individual enduring an addiction, asking them to get the addiction treatment they need to address their condition.
We all know that it’s hard to stop consuming foods we are addicted to and quit habits even when they are not good. An individual with a drug or alcohol addiction will need professional help, and it is not something to tackle alone. The person living with an addiction has to decide and believe change can happen and discover hope for the future.
There have been alcoholics and substance abusers who lived happy sober lives after detaching themselves from their addiction. It is a challenging feat and lots of hard work, but it can happen. Take advantage of every opportunity you can find to provide help or get help.
Halfway houses can be a vital link providing peer-to-peer support to help a person new to sober living transition back into the community, real life, and real temptations. A halfway house provides temporary housing for people at various stages of addiction recovery.
Despite the advantages of addiction intervention, many people are reluctant to set up an addiction intervention meeting. The possibility of confrontation, pain, and aggression stop many people from ever taking this step as it is emotional for everyone involved.
Feelings of shame, anger, and hopelessness arise during an intervention.
People may also avoid hosting an addiction intervention because they mistakenly believe in the strongly upheld myths. But, unfortunately, keeping these myths can stop the hard but needed steps from happening.
Myth #1: They need to hit rock bottom first.
Unfortunately, many people believe that intervention and addiction treatment are only for hitting rock bottom. What is rock bottom is a point of pain where there is nowhere else to go but up. Some people believe that the person who has hit rock bottom will now understand their need for addiction help and treatment. This belief is mistaken and dangerous. It does not suddenly make a person suffering from an addiction desire to jump on a path to addiction treatment. Professionals understand that even when rock bottom happens, many people will continue to misuse substances and refuse addiction help. You don’t need to wait for rock bottom – step in and encourage getting addiction treatment and support.
Myth #2: An Intervention Is An Ambush
Too many people avoid having an addiction intervention. They are sure it will result in hostility, and they do not want to make the person feel worse than they already do. Many avoid hosting an intervention as they are convinced it will result in an unpleasant confrontation, and their offer for help will be rejected. The most successful interventions are when family and friends stay calm and are straightforward. An addiction intervention should never be a negotiation, trial, or airing of grievances. Instead, serious solutions need to be provided for a serious condition. Remember to treat the person enduring the addiction as an individual, address the person with dignity, and remember it is the disease of addiction afflicting them.
Myth #3: Interventions Are Worthless
Some avoid hosting an addiction intervention because they believe it will not work. They expect the person living with an addiction to be self-motivated and want addiction help. Many family and friends feel they’ve already spoken to them about their addiction and have the attitude that they’ll never get help. Seeking help is crucial for the person living with the addiction, so those in their circle need to keep pushing and loving well.
How an Intervention and a Halfway House Help
Loved ones may reach out to professionals for assistance in planning and holding an addiction intervention. In addition, there are trained interventionists who can walk with you through the process to increase your chance of success.
As an essential first step, an interventionist will try to get the family and friends to reach an agreement about the need for a meeting and the discussion. Professionals can also educate and address perceptions about addiction, mental illness, treatment, and interventions.
Including an addiction interventionist in the process can be beneficial for many reasons. First, introducing an unbiased, helpful professional may help convince the person with the addiction that this intervention needs to be taken seriously and that their loved ones aren’t overreacting. In addition, having a professional help plan and hold an intervention can make it more likely to run smoother and have a positive outcome. Finally, by having an interventionist join, there’s a greater chance of debunking the myths above and having a successful intervention — and having a loved one get the addiction help they need.
Residing at a halfway house can provide the necessary support after addiction treatment to heal, recover, avoid relapse, and learn to live a healthy, sober lifestyle. An after plan is essential, and a halfway house can be a big part of preventing relapse and maintaining sobriety. Find a halfway house near you.